September 29, 2021 Adults often don’t know when a child can’t see. Hosted by Dr. Andrew Bateman, Dr. Kristin Reed and Neil. Adults often don’t know when a child can’t see. In this episode, Dr. Kristin Reed and Neil Powell share the work of the NE Foundation for Children’s Vision in helping to create […]
OptiLight by Lumenis
What Is the OptiLight by Lumenis & How Can It Manage Your Dry Eye? Dry eye disease is a widespread and common issue for up to 49 million Americans. This chronic condition can have a significant impact on your quality of life, causing a foreign body sensation in your eyes, pain, blurry vision, and dry […]
Right or Left? The importance of knowing the difference
Teachers may give kids tips and tricks to remember like, “If you hold up your left hand your first finger and thumb make an L.” However, if the child has difficulty imagining this, remembering what an L looks like, or even knowing which side the bottom line of the L is on, they will still […]
Vision Versus Eyesight
“20/20” simply means that the person can identify a certain sized target at 20 feet that a “normal” person could identify at 20 feet. This is what we call visual acuity or EYESIGHT. An eye chart, usually with various letters or pictures for kids, is used to determine this number. Eyesight is something that takes […]
Evolution of Science, the Brain, and VISION!
Many people are unfamiliar with what vision therapy is and wonder if it is a ‘new fad.’ The reality is, vision therapy has been an effective clinical treatment administered by optometrists for over 50 years. The problem was that 50 years ago science knew ‘the truth’ about the visual system – it wasn’t changeable after […]
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month
Following a concussion or other Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) there is often an interruption in communication between the eyes and the brain. Studies show that at least 50 percent of TBI patients suffer from visual dysfunctions, with one such study finding a 90 percent incidence of post-trauma visual complications, such as blurred vision, sensitivity to light, […]
Vision is More than Meets the Eye
The American Optometric Association provides a great summary of how vision really works day to day in the classroom – click here to read more. It may be working to your advantage, or may be working against you. To begin to understand the gravity of the last sentence it is important to think about what […]
Vision and Learning/Behavior
Think about your eyes is a great campaign designed to improve the awareness of how important vision is for developing children. Some scientists estimate up to 70% of the brain is either directly related to processing visual information, or 100% associates with visual areas of the brain. Most of the time vision works well and […]
Return to Play and Return to Learn
From Harvard Magazine “We tend to think of a traumatic injury as a simple, physical process, like a cut or bruise. But Zafonte, chair of the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School (HMS), says it is more accurate to think of TBI as a disease, because its effects extend well beyond […]
Vision Therapy Continues to Change Lives!
Our patients come to us from all over Nebraska and even from Iowa because vision therapy works. Our patients come to us because they are experiencing signs and symptoms of what could be a visual problem or disorder and in some cases have a diagnosed medical condition. The most important recipe for success is commitment […]