“Lazy Eye” is an often misunderstood condition. The term itself leads to the idea that there is something wrong with the actual eyeball. People think “It can’t see well or it can’t move with the other eye, it must be lazy then!”. However, eye muscles are 60x stronger than necessary. Unless there is another condition […]
A 2016 Gift Buying Guide for Blind and Visually Impaired Children:
Children with visual impairments or blindness can be challenging to shop for, one must think about toys in a different way. Here we have a number of links to sites to highlight a number of gift ideas for visually impaired or blind children. We have pulled a few of our favorites. For Babies: Lamaze Octotunes […]
Olympic Ace William Fox-Pitt Tells How Vision Therapy Helped Him Keep his Eyes on the Prize
Vision is a human’s best sense for anticipation (the same is true for a horse). For this Olympian, he and his horse need to know when to jump and how high to jump. A feat not likely to be as successful with their eyes closed. It was extremely important for William Fox-Pitt to retrain his […]
Homework Wars Huh? What are They Good For? Absolutely Nothin’.
If this picture looks familiar come homework time I don’t need to explain to you what it’s like to be in the trenches fighting the homework war. You know it, you live it, you dread it. And most of all, we feel it for the child who is struggling. Luckily there may be a solution […]
Doctors of Optometry – A Gateway for Health Care
A discussion about trends in eyecare and vision care today that are important to consumers, patients and families. Hosted by Dr. Andrew Bateman and Dr. Christopher Wolfe. Our doctors are proud active members of the Nebraska Optometric Association (NOA). The NOA has a theme Beyond 20/20 to help educate, advocate and motivate Nebraskans to schedule […]
Doctors of Optometry – Eating for Your Eyes
On this episode, Dr. Bateman discusses the importance of diet and eye health with Amber Pankonin, RD, a registered dietitian and personal chef. Hosted by Dr. Andrew Bateman and Amber Pankonin, RD. Can an unhealthy diet increase your risk of vision problems? And what about the age-old myth that eating carrots can help improve your […]
Doctors of Optometry – Learning and Seeing in the Classroom
Doctors of Optometry – Learning and Seeing in the Classroom March 23, 2021 Earlier this month, Dr. Nielsen helped oversee an important project to ensure that Nebraska students have proper eyecare in order to learn in the classroom. Hosted by Dr. Andrew Bateman and Dr. Jackie Nielsen. Dr. Jackie Nielsen, assistant superintendent of Beatrice Public […]
Doctors of Optometry – Managing the Risks of Nearsightedness
April 27, 2021 A discussion about the increasing prevalence of myopia in today’s society and the implications for patients. Hosted by Dr. Andrew Bateman and Cheryl Chapman, OD. Managing the Risks of Nearsightedness. A discussion about the increasing prevalence of myopia in today’s society and the implications for patients. Myopia today is considered an eye […]
Doctors of Optometry – “Your Eyes: A Window to Your Overall Health”
Doctors of Optometry – “Your Eyes: A Window to Your Overall Health” May 25, 2021 A discussion about the role that eyecare plays in overall health care and patient wellness. Hosted by Dr. Andrew Bateman and Dr. Brandon Webb. A discussion about the role that eyecare plays in overall health care and patient wellness. Family […]
ADD and Vision Therapy
Have you or your child experienced the following symptoms when reading? Short attention span Must read and re-read material to understand it well Get sleepy when reading Covers one eye while reading or exhibits odd postures at desk Frustration, restlessness, low self-esteem Often a visual disorder known as convergence insufficiency is misdiagnosed as ADD or […]